
Lacrosse Tours

A personalised Lacrosse tour for your lacrosse team

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Lacrosse Tours

If you play for or coach a university lacrosse team or teach lacrosse at a school, have you ever thought of travelling overseas on a Lacrosse tour?

Our experienced team are dedicated to providing a professionally organised, hassle free lacrosse tours tailored to your lacrosse team’s specific requirements. We will use our experience in arranging high quality sports tours to the best sports tour destinations around the world and combine this knowledge with the experiences of our touring lacrosse teams to ensure that your next Burleigh Travel lacrosse tour is memorable for your touring party. 

Lisbon Lacrosse Tournament

A Tailored Lacrosse Tour Experience

Our touring Lacrosse teams mainly come from British university Lacrosse teams and school tours are also possible. Popular touring destinations include Holland, Germany and of course the USA and Canada where the origins of the game lie and the game is widely played. We can arrange tours for men’s, ladies and mixed lacrosse teams and we will use our network of contacts to arrange fixtures to suit your needs ensuring that opposition teams are of the appropriate level.

We will carefully select your accommodation to best suit the age and composition of your group and allow you to chose how you travel to your tour destination in line with your requirements and create a memorable lacrosse tour package for you. We can also arrange various sight-seeing excursions to further enhance your lacrosse tour.

Royal Holloway University Lacrosse Tour To Holland

For further information on the lacrosse tour opportunities available to your lacrosse team, contact us and discuss your requirements in detail with a member of our team or complete an online enquiry to receive your tailored tour itinerary and quotation.

You can find the latest news and information from Burleigh Travel on our sports tour Blog and by signing up to receive our monthly newsletter.

Burleigh Travel Highlights


  • We had a fantastic time in Rotterdam on tour; everyone enjoyed themselves. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for organising our tour, it was a massive success!

    Royal Holloway University Lacrosse Tour to Rotterdam

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Burleigh Travel Gets Top Marks For School Trips

We have shown ourselves to be at the top of the class for school trips by being awarded a Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge. Awarded by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, it combines flearning and safety into one easily recognisable badge for all organisations providing learning outside the classroom experiences.

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