
Senior Rugby Tour to Sofia in Bulgaria: Wallingford RFC

Read about the experiences of this rugby team's tour to Sofia in Bulgaria

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Senior Rugby Tour to Sofia in Bulgaria: Wallingford RFC

Wallingford RFC

During their senior rugby tour to Sofia, the players of Wallingford Rugby Club competed against both local teams and touring rugby teams in the Murphy’s Misfits tournament, and came away from the rugby tour with a second place finish.

Wallingford RFC Hosts Murphy's Misfits

This was Wallingford RFC’s third rugby tour in three years with Burleigh Travel and each year was a city based rugby tour with excellent nightlife. The abundance of bars and nightclubs meant that the team did not have to walk far during their time in Sofia to also enjoy the other aspects of a traditional rugby tour, and with the copious amounts of cheap beer available for the touring team a good time was enjoyed each night (even if they did not remember all of it at breakfast!). All of the night life is concentrated in the centre of Sofia, conveniently their accommodation was close by too!

Wallingford RFC Bulgaria

Wallingford RFC : Rugby Tour to Sofia Highlights!

The rugby tour to Bulgaria was thoroughly enjoyed by the whole team and in particular the following aspects will bring back some “fond” memories: 

  • Tournament participation: Murphy’s Misfits Tournament – 2nd place
  • Tournament briefing and welcome party at Murphy’s bar
  • Excellent nightlife open until the early hours     
  • Cheap beer!!
  • Accommodation located near the friendly bars

If you would like to tour to Bulgaria on your next rugby tour, click here to request your tailored rugby tour itinerary and here to learn more about Bulgaria as a rugby tour destination.

Burleigh Travel Highlights

Ysgol Y Strades Netball and Rugby Tour of Canada 2015


  • A great rugby tour!! Sofia is ideal for a senior rugby tour, we had a great time; both on and off the pitch; particularly the latter!!

    Wallingford RFC rugby tour to Bulgaria

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