
Mini Rugby Tour to the Havant Rugby Festival: Leighton Buzzard RFC U12

Read about this Mini Rugby Teams tour to the Havant Rugby Festival on the South Coast

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Mini Rugby Tour to the Havant Rugby Festival: Leighton Buzzard RFC U12

Mini Rugby Tour to The Havant Mini Rugby Festival

The mini rugby festival at Havant RFC saw the group based in quality 6 and 8 berth caravans with plenty do on site, from entertainment every evening to activities such as mini golf, go karting, a heated indoor swimming pool and a funfair.

The first day saw the group travel to Pulborough RFC for a warm up fixture which was hugely competitive and provided the perfect warm up for the group. All the players and parents commented on the fantastic hospitality provided by Pulborough and the tourists wish their thanks to be passed on to their hosts.

Leighton Buzzard RFC U12s Rugby Tour To The Havent Rugby Festival 11

The Havant Mini Rugby Festival was very competitive with all teams being at a similar level resulting in lots of close fought matches. Leighton Buzzard just missed out in the cup competition which meant they competed in the plate and made it all the way to through and narrowly missing out in the final!

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The team really embraced the tour tradtion with plenty of fancy dress and a tour court for the lads.

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All the players commented on the wonderful time they had with great rugby throughout and plenty of activities to keep them entertained when not playing!

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Leighton Buzzard RFC U12: Rugby Tour to the South Coast!

The rugby tour to the South Coast was a fantastic experience for all with several highlights including the following:

  • Perfect level of rugby – Finished runners up in the plate!
  • Fixture vs Pulborough was fantastic, great hosting.
  • Accommodation first class!
  • Lots of on site activities.
  • Boys all really enjoyed tour traditions and court!

If this is a tour that appeals to you and your rugby club, please contact us through our online enquiry form and we will happily provide you with the information you need.

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  • Everyone had a fantastic time! The playing level at the mini rugby festival was perfect and we were very impressed by the accommodation; it was great for the players with lots to do!

    Leighton Buzzard RFC U12s at the Havent Festival

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